Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wild Life

I was out the other day riding the fence line on the back forty.  This is a task which needs to be done all too often.  It would be way too easy to not go all the way to the back and miss a serious problem in the fence.  It is a long task, but also very enjoyable.  I see plenty of wildlife back there.  I see lots of the normal deer, rabbits, squirrels, armadillos, wild hogs, and rattlesnakes.  I occasionally see a possum, skunk or raccoon still up from a night of prowling around.  There is a wide variety of birds passing through.  Across the fence I see beavers on my neighbors creek.  I have even seen a rare sasquatch.  I very much enjoy these outings with plenty to see besides the fence.  I also check for stray cattle.  But this last week I saw a very unusual creature.  I haven't seen one in a long time, but I knew immediately what it was.  The famed unicornigator.  These animals are quite large and can be ferocious.  But they prefer to stay to themselves and therefore are rarely seen.  It has the build of a small horse with the mouth and long tail of an  alligator and of course the single horn coming off the forehead.  The feet are more like those of a rhino, but with the claws of a gator.  The skin is rough and scaly.  This is a rare creature scientists have often tried to come study.  But they never get so much as a glimpse or clear tracks.  They are left with only the tales of those who have glimpsed this magnificent creature.   And last week I too got my own glimpse before it slipped off into the creek and followed the water to it's next refuge.

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