Sunday, July 25, 2010

Collecting Dust

I look around and I think I have way too much stuff. I never intended to have stuff. I just get stuff as I need it or as people give it to me. Then I'm not good about going through and getting rid of stuff as I no longer need it. I have known people who intentionally collect things. I've seen bells, carousel horses, decorative tins, Christmas Villages, and crosses. Some of them never intended to collect them, but after buying one or two people start giving them as gifts. Others plan what they want to collect. I heard some of my friends in college debating whether they would collect hummels or angels. Everyone they knew had a collection of something and they just expected to someday have a collection of their own. I really don't get the point to collecting things. You end up with so many you have to buy a special shelf to put them on. Then it grows to a full cabinet and then another cabinet. Some people devote entire rooms to a collection. Why? I like to admire things in the store, but I don't want to take them home. If an item is not useful, then you should never have more than three. Have you ever had to go through and dust a collection of ceramic doodads? And how much money could you have saved if you hadn't bought all of those things? I know some people love their collections and many are quite happy with all the stuff they have. I guess this is one of those things I will never understand. The questionaires before Secret Santa exchanges nearly always ask,"What do you collect?" I suppose I will continue answering, "Dust."

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