Happy New Year!! Hoping for a very good year! Not so sure about the number. 2012 was a very nice number. 2013 is very iffy as a number. But we've started by getting a couple inches rain yesterday. Congress has apparently averted the fiscal cliff. I'm sure they'll have plenty of bad stuff to say about each other, but they got something done. I got some really cool stuff from my Grandma;s pie safe. Stuff I didn't even know she had. I love the triangular plates with a place for the matching cups to sit. I doubt any of it has value to anyone, but me. And the deli was open at the grocery store. So I got a great dinner. I am finally home with nothing I have to go do. Cool.
This year I want to improve at work. Nothing huge, just step up a little. I want to knit hats to give to the Lord's Pantry or something like that. I want to serve God. I don't want to be on a committee at church. I want to make a housing change. I want to visit my parents at least every four weeks. I want to be more active physically. I want to continue painting ceramics. It's just too fun.
I will not promise to be organised or cook. I will not promise to exercise every day. I will not promise to read 20 books. Not going to happen.
Hoping for a great year. Trusting God through it all.
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