Monday, August 8, 2016

The Sky is Falling

I grew up playing little league sports and loving it. Part of sports is learning how to win, how to lose, and how to keep going even things don't go your way. I've seen my friends put their children into sports or dance competitions or Ag competitions. Whether a child competes in rodeo or ice skating, he learns new skills, makes new friends and learns life lessons. When parents try to spare their children from disappointments and losses the life lessons are also lost. They do not learn to be happy for their friends who won. They do not learn to disagree and walk away friends. Every decision becomes a battle ground where lines are drawn and there is no going back. The senior class may vote on prom theme. Those who voted for the losing theme may decide not to go to prom because their theme was not chosen. Friendships may be lost because one friend voted for a different theme. Kids could go into years of counseling over the time wasted in all those years of schooling only to have the prom ruined by a horrid theme. The future of the entire class could rest on choosing the correct theme. The losing side could go on to become drug addicts who never have a stable life.
Does this sound ridiculous? Fast forward to modern politics. Each side believes all the lies written and published about the other side. Each side believes the country will cease to exist as we know it if the opposing party wins. There are Some important issues that I have definite opinions about. I can vote according to my beliefs. I can campaign to try to change the minds of others to vote my way. But losing is not the end. I now see my family split over who we support for President. I saw My family split 4 years ago over the same thing. Seriously?!? Is it worth selling or abandoning all I have to move to Canada? I have heard people from both sides threaten to leave the country based on the outcome of the election. I am afraid of what will happen. I have tried to read as much as possible in both sides so I can make an informed decision. I have learned That one side is free to post opinions or lies on the internet while the other side is attacked for posting anything in support of their candidate. I have never seen politics in such a sad state. I have never seen the country so divided. Each side has an all or nothing point of view and a loss means their world is over.
So what is the problem with our country? Is it just bad sportsmanship? Do we have too many adults who never learned how to lose and keep going? I think that is part of it. There is also a lot of anger. And a willingness to believe lies. Some do not trust anything published in major media. Some do not trust anything from political groups. Most of it is beyond me. But I know I miss the days when we could disagree on a meeting and walk out friends. I miss the times we could just agree to disagree. I miss the days when one's identity was not tied into how they voted.  We were all just Americans. It feels we have turned a corner and politics will never be the same. I know my family will never be the same. It will be hard to forget how we have been treated, talked to, and talked about over this election.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Personal Responsibility

Some things never change. I watch kids play and I notice two or three trying to make up the rules as they go so that they come out ahead. I can remember trying make up my own rules as a small child. I was quickly shut down by parents. But I sometimes still joke that the world would be a better place if everyone just did what I wanted. I could live in a world where I could do what I wanted, but punish others for doing the same things. I could take what I wanted from the store. No one could object. I could take days off and no one could object. Of I hit someone they could not hit me back. It would be my world.
But I cannot imagine the chaos of living in a world where everyone Did that. Everyone thought they could take what they wanted and no one had a right to complain or respond. People could kill one another and expect no punishment.  People could halfway finish a job and expect full payment. People could steal and blame it on the one they stole from. A world where no one bears any personal responsibility ..... I cannot imagine.
An ant cannot move a mountain alone. But an army of ants can move mountains if each one bears his own load.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


I do not know where to begin. Two more black men have been killed by police. The news media is flooded with witness accounts and videos. Social media is flooded with #BlackLivesMatter. And now 10 Dallas police officers have been shot by snipers during a protest. 3 of those officers are dead. I am watching my friends on Facebook unfriend people because they post about killing police or because they post about the criminal record of one of the black males and blame him for his own death. Most disturbing I have seen my black friends checking in to make sure everyone is safe and accounted for. They should not have to live in such fear. It has taken us centuries to get where we are today. And solutions do not come easily. But they will not come at all if too many of us remain silent. Straight people can march with LGBT. White people can fight for Mexican rights. Why can we not value black lives? That is not to say the blame fully lies with police. This is on all of us. We need to unify in all parts of our lives: church, work, neighborhood, and community. I will never know the fear a black person feels when stopped by police. Or the fear a black mother has for her son. And I have no idea how to make a difference in my world. I can only go one relationship at a time. Yes All Lives Matter. But Black Lives Matter TOO.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Archery: the sport, practice, or skill of using a bow to propel arrows; from the Latin arcus. Historically used for hunting and combat. Traditional bows are drawn by pulling the string directly back. The archer looks down the length of the arrow to carefully aim and draws the arrow back as far as possible. The archer releases the arrow and it flies through the air toward the target.
Childhood and youth are a lot like that bow and arrow. Parents strive to teach the child and raise them up to be successful. Children must learn how to win and how to lose. They learn to work and to get along with others. They learn compassion. They learn values. Each lesson draws the arrow back further. In school the child learns skills to make them more successful. They learn the 3 Rs,  history, teamwork, leadership, and many other skills. By the end of high school the arrow is well drawn and the aim is true. The string is released and the young adult is ready to fly. Some things cause the arrow not to be fully drawn. The youth drops out of school or takes a Wrong path. The target is missed. Kids seldom understand and youth believe they are ready to fly. But they need to stick with it to the end and wait to be released. Then they can really fly.
Psalm 127: 4-5
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them

Monday, April 25, 2016

Animal Wrongs

On Recent trip to a local farm supply store I spotted several people entering the store with dogs. I have watched reality shows and seen the stars sneaking animals into their hotel rooms. Service animals are going everywhere from nursing homes and schools to chemo labs to comfort people. This is all still a bit strange to me. When I was a kid I only knew two people who kept a dog in the house.  I knew one other family that had cats in the house.  It just did not seem as common as it is today.  We never had pets in the house.  We did have two dogs along the way, but both were outside dogs.  And back then most pets stayed at home unless they were farm dogs or hunting dogs.  But things changed over the years. I see pets everywhere. And I have a favorite dog though he is not mine.  I like dogs and would not mind having one of my own.  I understand all my cousins and friends who have animals and love those animals.  Animals are great.  But we have gone beyond that.  Animals are now allowed in lots of places.  The dogs I have seen are not service dogs.  Pets go shopping, to emergency shelters, to hotels, and anywhere else the owners can take them. A few years ago I saw an animal brought into a restaurant. The owners were asked to remove the animal.  But I am not sure that would happen today. And people sneak their pets in where they are not allowed.  Most of this would not bother me.  Except my mother is very allergic to all these animals.  A hug from someone who held their cat before leaving their house can put her in the hospital with pneumonia. The same thing happens if she is in close proximity to an animal or where an animal has been. If we were caught in a disaster and had to evacuate to an emergency shelter full of animals, my mother would likely not survive.  Her allergies are too severe.  But people put their right to have animals ahead of her right to breathe and live.  We will have to stop attending the extended family Christmas gathering because everyone feels the need to bring their dog.  We take our chances going to a hotel because we do not know if the previous occupant brought in an animal.  If we go to a store and other people bring animals, we have to leave.  My mother cannot even go visit my brother because they keep cats in their house.  She has tried the allergy shots.  Other allergies are improved, but animals remain high.  I am not against people having pets.  If my mother were not allergic, I might have a pet.  But I do object to the extremely low value they put on my mother's life.  Pets are left home alone when people go to work and school. It is possible to leave them home occasionally. But the rights of pets and pet owners now trump my Mother's right to breathe. So we will stay home from the store.  We will stop attending family Christmas.  We will not visit my brother.  We will be isolated because of your choices. You say "no offense," but we are offended.  And no offense but  your pet is not allowed in my house. My Mother would have to leave while we thoroughly cleaned and recleaned.  Do not be offended when we decline your invitations. We cannot risk pneumonia. No offense.  But your pet cannot come near my Mother.

Sunday, April 24, 2016


YOLO - You Only Live Once.  I have heard this so many times.  And I usually dread what comes next.  The next thing that happens is not going to be good.  Usually it's a rationalization for a bad decision.  I only have x amount of dollars left and I have bills to pay, but I really want this special item.  YOLO and buy it.  I know this is dangerous, but it looks fun.  YOLO.  I know the consequences could change my life forever.  YOLO.  I do not know who invented the term.  But I do know people use it to make BAD decisions. What would be wrong with using it to apply for that job you have always wanted?  YOLO.  I've always wanted to go on a mission trip.  YOLO.  Use it to give yourself extra courage for that good decision.  Use it to push yourself towards positive steps in your life.  Use it for good.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

An Army of Crumbs

The Crumbs were in chaos.  They were cooking supper and everyone wanted to stir the pot.  The crumbs were fighting over the spoon and the pot was bubbling away unstirred.  The food was already burning and sticking to the bottom of the pot.  This was unusual.  The crumbs had a system for dividing up the work.  One gathers the supplies.  One mixes the ingredients.  One stirs the pot.  One sets the table.  But over time they had come to believe that stirring the pot was the most important job.  Now everyone one wanted to stir and the other jobs were going undone.  If this continued the food would burn and everyone would go hungry.  This had happened once before when most of the food gatherers had decided their job was most important.  They recruited the others to help gather and no one was left to mix, stir, or set the table. 
No army survives without all of the necessary parts.  Someone has to lead the army. Others have to be in charge of carrying out tasks.  Others have to do the grunt work.  Some have to be in charge of supplies.  Cooks are necessary.  MPs keep things in order.  Medical corps takes care of everyone.  It's the same with any group.  A church, a school, a major corporation, or a civic group.  If everyone is a leader, then they just end up fighting and no one gets any work done.  All of the parts are important. And the very thing that is important to the group in one situation can be irritating in another situation.   Leaders can be bossy, but they are used to stepping in and imposing order where there is none.  Followers can be indecisive.  But it's part of their willingness to follow someone else's lead.  So why is it today that everyone thinks their way is the only way.  Some people think business is all important while others are into civil rights.  Some think we need higher academics in the school while others think we need stronger vocational programs.  And everyone is so passionate about this that they pursue it at all costs.  We have war between sides and no cooperation. Republicans and Democrats used to be able to work together on things and get things done.  No more. Civic groups used to be able to accomplish things.  No more.  Churches used to be able to run the business side of things and the ministry side of things while maintaining peace.  No more.  How long will it be before we see that both sides are important and necessary?  Everyone has a part.  And if any part is left out, then everyone misses out.